A monster, a cat, a plague o'both your houses!
It is to me that I am fortune's pack saddle.
Shakespearean Insult GeneratorJacinth.
Flowery NameIn the nursery of piety the ghosts test,
Poetry First Line GeneratorThe unusually subdued, Scottish librarian who skyrockets in golden spaceships, and claims to have been abducted by aliens.
Instant Prompt"Think about all the birds you've seen--from songbirds to hunters. Compare one or more people you know to different types of birds in a piece of writing."
Prompt GeneratorI included several prompts, this time out. I know that I have been notoriously bad at updating: but I also thought that if you wanted to combine one of the two, it it strikes a chord within you, then it would be A Very Good Thing. From the Shakespearean Insult Generator to the resident one on Writing Fix, this is a good sample of what's available.
I think that tomorrow, if Terror gives me the change (no more full days of school, you see) I'll try to post something from the newspaper. That is also a good resource for writing prompts and stories.
Elizabeth Anne Ensley
snapes_angelliz_ensleyon writing dialogue, she exclaimed: A few basic rules about writing dialogue.