Streaming Meemies

Stream of Consciousness Blog, Filled With The Fresh Cool Stream of Empty Thought. And if you believe that, then I have a covered bridge in Winnemucca, NV to sell you. ;-)

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Location: Bayport, New York, United States

Swain's world (The Cosmic Unicorn #1); A Day in the Life (Alternate Hilarities #3); The Lawnmower that Ate Manhattan (NIEKAS, I forget the issue); Spring Cleaning (Sound Waves); Shadow Play (The Parasitorium II: Parasitic Sands, 2007); Crow's Feat (Free Fall (February, 2007) Oh, and Obligatory Holly Lisle Affiliate Link for writing workshops and stuff.

18 November 2005

Olio of Prompts VI

♥ Writing Prompt for Today

Though this word has a straightforward meaning (the obvious( there is also a secondary association unrelated to its meaning, just from its first syllable and the usage to which I have seen used by some folks. I leave it open for your interpretation.


♥ Today's writing prompt

I decided a one-word prompt might be nice for variety.

Today's prompt is


♥ Prompt for Today: Shadows

Whether you're keeping a secret, walking at twilight or having A Dramatic Moment, shadows are a good springboard for writing. Lurking in the shadows waiting to pounce,. hiding in the shoadddws from a bully, the long shadows of early evening or the young shadows in the predawn light, keeping someone "in the dark"...

♥ Writing Prompt for Sunday 26 June 2005

I found inspiration for today's prompt from the subject field of a piece of spam. It's interesting how one phrase can evoke so many diverse random images.


I have no idea what product the spam referenced; the first thing that came to my mind was beard stubble. Some writers have described perpetual five o'clock shadow as a "permanent growth". It could be like The Rosie Greer movie, "The Thing With Two Heads" where the second attached head could be considered a "permanent growth" of sorts. A Google search for permanent growth turns up everything from land mass to hair loss treatments. There are even a few entries for Sunday School. There is, of course, also permanent growth repression as well.

There are still others that I think the Google search missed. Invent your own - it can be a piece of writing ranging from the spiritual to the surreal, the whimsical to the horrific.

♥ Writing Exercise - Fantasy

I borrowed this from Jands at the Topica Wolfrunner's list (which is dead, Jen, as it hasn't had a posting since September 1 of last year and the past few messages sem to be spammage). It seems like a decent enough writer's prompt.

In the dead of night, a cloaked figure leads two mounts into the courtyard to wait by the fountain. What's going on here?

♥ Today's Writing Prompt

"What's the bravest OR stupidest thing you (or your character) ever did?"
From the Daily Prompt

♥ Prompt for Thursday 23 June 2005: A Muse

Courtesy of the original Writing Fix prompt generator

"A muse inspires you to write. What natural object serves as a muse to you?
Write about someone seeing that object and being inspired to write."

♥ Today's Prompt

I took this straight from part one of today's Newsday, a Long Island
newspaper, because the headline soundedbiguous enough to generate some
very interesting responses:

Battle of the Burn.

♥ Today's Writing Prompt

The writing prompt for today is:

Opalescent storm

Today's prompt was adopted from Eyeblog's Creative Name

♥ for Sun 19, 2005 8:48

The writing prompt for today is:

In the cellar.

From Stichomancy on

What quote would work well for a closer on Writing Prompts List?

The excerpt represents the core issue or deciding factor on which you must meditate, and is drawn from The Sportsman by Xenophon:

Still up and down, old sinner, must we pace; 'Twill kill us both, this vain, long, wearing race (Kennedy).

[25] See Arrian, xx. 2.

But when they are really close to the hare they will make the matter plain to the huntsman by various signs--the quivering of their bodies backwards and forwards, sterns and all; the ardour meaning business; the rush and emulaton; the hurry-scurry to be first; the patient following-up of the whole pack; at one moment massed together, and at another separated; and once again the steady onward rush. At last they have reached the hare's form, and are in the act to spring upon her. But she on a sudden will start up and bring about her ears the barking

♥ Writing Prompt for 16 June 2005

I pulled this from today's Newsday. It was a caption for an astronomical photograph, a visual alignment of planet and moon:


♥ Writing Prompt for 16 2005

Ah, I forgot that I was gonig to look in the newspaper today for prompts. However, the paper has not arrived, so I give you this instead (while I still have use of the computer):

If the moon was made of bleu cheese, how would that affect the rest of the universe?

♥ Writing Prompt for Wednesday 15 June 2005: Dream Catcher

A monster, a cat, a plague o'both your houses!
It is to me that I fortune's pack saddle.


In the nursery of piety the ghosts test,

aliensThe unusually subdued, Scottish librarian who skyrockets in golden spaceships, and claims to have been abducted by
"Think about all the birds you've seen--from songbirds to hunters. Compare
one or more people you know to different types of birds in a piece of
writingDaily Prompt Generator.

I included several prompts, this time out. I know that I have been notoriously bad at updating: but I also thought that if you wanted to combine one of the two, it it strikes a chord within you, then it would be A Very Good Thing. From the Shakespearean Insult Generator to the resident one on Writing Fix, this is a good sample of what's available.

I think that tomorrow, if Terror gives me the change (no more full days of school, you see) I'll try to post something from the newspaper. That is also a good resource for writing prompts and stories.

♥ Writing Prompt for Tue 14, 2005


Describe a character without resorting simply to physical descriptions and ignoring personality and character history. (Courtesy of arkiewriter on lj).

♥ Combined Prompt for Monday the 13 (LOL): Women-hating extraterrestrials.

Combined Prompt for Monday the 13 (LOL): Women-hating extraterrestrials.

I hate women because they always know where things are.
James Thurber (1894 - 1961)

Your Character is a(n): alien
Your character's race is: goblins.
Your character's main character trait is their: kindness.
The characters weakness/downfall is/are: chicken soup.
The characters physical appearance is:
height: very tall.
body shape: pudgy.
hair: thick.
eyes: half closed.
scars: on back.

Distinguishing features: gap between two front teeth.
("Borrowed" from - )

♥ Today's Writing Prompt

I feel like I'm cheating, but...

You know all the links listed on the intro page for this group? I added a link to Feath's Bookcase. There are writing prompts generators that Feath has on the site, which she's still working on. She moderates or is one of the moderators for musemuggers, a writing prompts challenge community on LiveJournal. Today's prompt is "adopted" from her site:

What power has law where only money rules.
Gaius Petronius (~66 AD)

I figured that, since I ran a bit short myself on ideas lately, that adopting one at least on occasion seems like an excellent notion. The prompt is from the Random Quotes Generator on her site.

♥ Writing Prompt for 08 June: Writer's Group "Notorious"

I received one of those e-newsletters from Writer's Digest and the prompt in it was looking over your old journal entries to inspire a new one. Unfortunately, that also inspired in me a twisted writing prompt.

Who are your three favorite fictional villains/antagonists? Let's say that they each started writing a book and they're looking for a writer's group but, not having found one willing to accept someone of their, er, dubious qualifications, decided to splinter off and form their own group. For example, let's say the three are Godzilla, Freddy Kruger and Chuckie. Trying to keep them as much in character as possible, try to imagine how their group's first meeting would run.

♥ A Cloud of Guilt Hangs over the Horizon

It's been a while since I posted a prompt. Sorry. I actually have two for you now. One is a twist on stereotypes and the other is - well...

1. Men are from Venus, Women are from Mars

Yes, I know it's usually the other way around (at least from the book's title), but not everything fits a nice, neat little label.

The other one's a twist of a well-worn phrase:

"It was a dark and stormy knight".

♥ Writing Prompt for Thu May 26, 2005

This time (since I have been so bad about posting prompts again) I chose today's from the Rider-Waite Tarot. It's a Major Arcana card, X, the Wheel of Fortune. This basically translates to random chance, a bit of unforeseen luck.

Of course, in fiction this "unforeseen luck" can be foreshadowed.

What you write is, of ocurse, your choice, be it poetry or prose, fact or fiction. If you journel then think of an example of random, lucky chance in your life, good or bad; if fiction, then it might well be a plot point. Poets, of course, frequently write about lucky chance so it can't hurt to add another to your folio.

♥ Wed May 25, 2005 12:17 pm prompt: The City

Cities are places of commerce. Lots of people, lots of individual trials and tribulations. In New York City folks pound the pavement looking for work, whether it's on Broadway or in the local pizza parlor.

There are many people in cities as well. Sometimes it's quiet, sometimes thre's a riot.

There's both good and bad, positive and negative, yin nd yang in a city. You can have opposing forces ready to clash or a heartwarming tale of a random act of kindness.

♥ today's Writing Prompt: Human Buttons

A piece of spam prodded this prompt. It's open to several different enterpretations. (Sorry SAM, but political tracts are not the purpose of this list, writing prompts are).


♥ Today's Prompt: Desire

HA! Anotherbiguous prompt.

Some folks desire chocolate, others crave company. What is your character's desire? Or what comes to your mind when you think about desire?


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